Thursday, February 17, 2011


It has been said that we don't teach people how to deal with grief until they are in a graduate program in psychology.  (My psychologist's comment to that is, "sometimes not even then.")  Well, my wife and I have had what you may call a crash course in it.  Our son died on September 2, 2010.  This blog is one way I am using to come to terms with this.  In it, you will see many things, some funny, some sad, but all meant to honor our son's memory.  You can think of it as a form of autobiography in many segments, complete with your comments.

A word on comments, while I'm here.  I am a firm believer in the freedom of speech, and will gladly support your right to say what you wish - but not here.  Not to say I don't want your comments, I do.  But I anticipate some trolling, and this blog is not a forum for trolls.  So be warned - if I find your comments to be completely out of line, I may choose to delete it.  Don't take it personally, this blog isn't about you.  (Quite frankly, it's really about me.  But isn't that what any self-respecting autobiography should be?)