Another year has gone by. I don't believe it's been that long since I've posted. I think we've healed as much as one could expect by now. Our lives are continuing, without him. It's like a major wound - it may heal over, but the scars will always remain, as will the residual pain. There is a hole in my being that will never go away.
This evening, at sunset, we once again spread flower petals (plumeria?) off the OB Pier, this time accompanied by Tim's aunt and uncle, and also his cousin. It was very nice, and comforting. Afterwards, we all went out to dinner and remembered Tim in our own ways. It was a very good remembrance this year.
The grief will always be with me, there's never a day that I don't feel it. But I think that I've (we've both?) learned how to keep living our lives. We will always miss him, but the best way to honor his memory is to embrace life as much as he did.
Goodbye, son.